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Minggu, 20 April 2008

Voodoo Player 1.0 build 211 RC2

Voodoo player is an enhanced multimedia player that needs no codecs whatsoever. With a featherweight memory footprint and extremly small size, Voodo player manages to deliver what most players can not.


* play over 30 multimedia formats, including MP3, DVD and DivX.
* seek in the media, rewind and fast-forward.
* change sound volume and balance.
* watching playing media position and duration.
* switch to full-screen mode and back to windowed mode.
* adjust brightness, contrast, saturation and HUE.
* change playing rate from normal to slowest or fastest.
* step through a video as slowly as one frame at a time.
* create screen-shots to file otherwise to clipboard.
* see current time.
* zoom movie and change aspect ratio.
* change internal components(filters) properties.
* create play lists, search by name, sort by duration/size/path or randomly.
* extended features for playlist: "shuffle" and "jump".
* set bookmarks.
* view subtitles.
* attach addinitional sound files (translation).
* see detailed information(as which video codec used, file size, avi tags, which audio codec used, and more) about video file.

File Size = 478 KB

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